
Thanks for reading! This is where I record thoughts about a variety of Jewish topics. Please feel free to comment, share, or join in the conversation.

How To Be a Prophet: A Sermon for Yom Kippur 2023

This is the sermon I delivered on Kol Nidrei 5784/2023 at Kol Ami Congregation in Thornhill, Ontario. How to be a prophet.Part 1: Nobody wants to be a prophet. Picture this: It’s festival time in ancient Jerusalem. You’re walking down the street, dressed in your finest. Leading your goat to the Temple for your sacrifice.…

Stop and See: A Sermon for Rosh Hashanah 5784

Derlivered on Rosh Hashanah Morning 2023 at Congregation Kol Ami, Thornhill, Ontario. Let me ask you a question: Have you looked at the sky today? The story is told that once the great Rebbe Nachman of Bratzlav was looking out his window and he noticed one of his disciples, Chaim, rushing down the street toward…

“A Spectrum of Meaningful Human Difference” – Sermon for Pride Shabbat

Judaism is full of blessings. There’s a blessing for bread, a blessing for wine. A blessing for fruits and vegetables and other various foodstuffs. There are blessings for seeing and enjoying a beautiful natural scene – a rainbow, a sunset. There are blessings for doing mitzvot – like lighting candles and putting on a tallit.…

The Darker Side of Purim Graggers

It’s every Jewish kid’s favourite activity: each year on Purim, while the megillah is being read, we gleefully shake our graggers and shout aloud, drowning out the name of Haman. Haman (yimach sh’mo – may his name be erased) is, of course, the bad guy of the Purim story. The perennial enemy; the face of…


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